
Whether designed to be a low, medium, or high maintenance garden, every garden requires just the right level of care to allow it to mature as planned, face the challenges nature inevitably throws its way, and adapt to changes in the needs and wants of those who use it.

While not always the case, when we’ve designed, built, and planted a garden, we are often engaged to maintain it. Exactly what this means will depend on the garden itself, with some gardens requiring a high level of care, others not nearly as much, and still others a mix of low and high, depending on the stage of development.

In short, in maintaining the garden, we keep it looking and feeling exactly as planned, helping it develop and grow.

"I love how a garden grows – with just the right level of care, it becomes everything you dreamt of and then some."

Maxine List, florist, plantswoman, teacher.

"Ben, Maxine and the team have been looking after my garden since 2020 and I couldn’t recommend them highly enough. Their understanding and delivery of the brief is always spot on and they have done an incredible job advising, implementing change and maintaining our beautiful gardens."

Mark Bailham

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"We have been lucky enough to have Ben MacDonald's maintenance team looking after our garden for the last couple of years and have been delighted with their efforts. Francesco, George and Hamish are willing, knowledgeable and very able gardeners who are a joy to have around. We know that when they visit, they will work quickly and efficiently and leave the garden looking beautiful. Francesco was also involved with a lot of the planting in the garden and it's lovely that he takes so much pride in the whole process from planting through to maintenance."